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Featured Funds
Donate The Community Impact Fund
The Dallas Foundation’s Community Impact Fund enables us to respond to changing community needs and to support innovative and scalable solutions to our community’s biggest challenges.
Donate Mary M. Jalonick Women's Philanthropy Institute Fund
The Mary M. Jalonick Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) educates, inspires, and empowers women to become confident and engaged donors at every stage of their philanthropic journey while connecting them with the needs of the community and the organizations addressing those needs. Annual membership dues for WPI may be paid using this link.
Select Designated Funds
Donate Mary M. Jalonick WPI Endowment Fund
For support of the Mary M. Jalonick Women's Philanthropy Institute.
Select Fiscal Sponsor Funds
  Donate Early Matters Dallas Operating Fund
To support the activities and operations of Early Matters Dallas.
  Donate Southern Gateway Public Green Foundation
To oversee the design, construction and long-term planning for the Southern Gateway Deck Park, a deck park built over I35 creating an urban park and event venue in South Dallas.
  Donate Texas Pride Impact Funds
To secure the future for LBGTQ Texans by inspiring giving and investment to expand opportunities and enrich our communities.
Other Funds